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The Untold Story of De Gelderlandfabriek

Multimedia Performance, Installation


Transmedia Performance on Media Bias is an interactive journey that tries to tell a story and unfold the “hidden story” about De Gelderlandfabriek in Culemborg, the Netherlands, by intertwining the actual history and fictional history about the space using multiple mediums. The idea is to explore the behaviour of the information on social media.

The work consists of two parts; first, the performance in which the audience are invited to follow a guided tour around the space while being given layered information through multiple medium. Second, the installation in which the information is being collected, gathered, and presented in random order. Utilizing the space and its existing information which then layered with additional narratives. Raises questions about truth in media nowadays by blurring the line between which one is fact and which one is fictional.

This is part of my artistic research during my master study in scenography. For more information about this project please check my page on research catalogue.











Exhibited at Fabrication, a first-year exhibition by MA Scenography HKU Utrecht at De Gelderlandfabriek, Culemborg, Holland. 

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